This is why there are many investigations into psychology and interrogation, It is very difficult to determine a case by witness bias alone, This is often what leads to wrongful prosecution, Not to mention the day and age this occurred was before desegregation, So people automatically assume the elevator operator who is African American is the murderer, Which is something that is still an issue to some people today, And has led to many civil rights movements.
This is also an example of media bias, many people would question the officers or witnesses and get unbiased answers, often with missing blanks, which leads to assumptions and false accusations, often leading to other news sources spreading it. This happened a lot with the Amber Heard trial, which is why not many people had access to the courtroom feed, and most of the time you would see clips from it with timestamps to prevent people cutting it and making false clips.
During the search of the teacher's house, they steal items such as a wedding photo, this was most likely before search warrants were established, as well as prevention of wrongful stealing of personal items. The man's wife talks to a woman after hearing the news, she says that he was planning to fly back to the north because he did not like the south. The newspapers published about the information she said, which led to people assuming he was trying to "flee" from a crime in which he didn't commit.
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